Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Natural Anti-Fungals

The outbreak of Fungal Meningitis caused by a pharmaceutical compounding company is causing many people to ask what can be done for fungal infections. According to Drugs.com, "Fungal meningitis is inflammation of the lining that surrounds and protects your brain and spinal cord. The inflammation is caused by a fungal infection and can be life-threatening. The most common symptoms include a high fever, stiff neck, and headache."

 Below is a list of herbs and essential oils that are natural anti-fungals. Keep these on hand for any fungal infection. 

1. Barberry - Used for respiratory and urinary infections - Usually taken by capsule
2. Burdock - Used for Kidney stones, eczema, constipation - Usually taken by capsule (not for diabetics)
3. Chamomile - Used for infections, anxiety, inflammation, colic, allergies, burns - Usually taken as a tea (not for those allergic to ragweed)
4. Cinnamon - Used for Stomach upset, Candida, blood sugar regulation - Usually taken in tea or eaten
5. Cloves - Used for inflammation of mouth or throat - Usually taken as mouth wash, or in essential oil
6. Eucalyptus - Used for coughing, stuffy nose - Usually taken as a tea or essential oil
7. Eyebright - Used for yeast problems, eye infections - Usually taken as an extract
8. Garlic - Used for infections, high blood pressure, intestinal flora imbalance, warts, colds, flue, ear infections, burns, yeast infections - Usually taken internally as food or as a capsule
9. Lavender - Used for restlessness, insomnia, dizziness, abdominal complaints - Usually taken as tea or extract and essential oil
10. Licorice Root - Used for coughs, ulcers, athlete's foot, canker sores, eczema, fungal infections, ulcers, yeast infections - Usually taken as internally as capsules - not longer than 6 weeks at a time
11. Myrrh - Used for mouth and throat inflammation - Usually taken as an extract
12. Oregon Grape Root - Used for infections and skin disorders, Take as directed only - do not overuse
13. Sage Leaf - Used for gastric complaints, excess perspiration - Usually taken as mouthwash or gargle
14. Strawberry Leaf - Used for coughs, intestinal upsets, liver health, ulcers - Usually taken as an oral infusion
15. Walnut Leaf - Used for skin inflammation, excessive sweating, eczema, hemorrhoids - Usually taken externally only
16. Yarrow - Used for wounds, skin problems, cough, bleeding, gastric disorders, acne - Usually taken as an oral infusion

Essential Oils (Use as directed)
1. Basil - Used for viral Hepatitis, tropical viral infections, sluggish digestion  
2. Clove - Used for toothache, tuberculosis, gum infections, influenza, viral Hepatitis, sluggish immune system
3. Eucalyptus - Used for Candida, coughs, respiratory tract infections, colds, flu, asthma, headaches
4. Geranium - Used for arthritis, sluggish pancreas, athlete's foot, colic , anxiety, varicose veins
5. Lavender - Used for headaches, anxiety, arthritis, eczema, bruises, sprains, acne, skin infections, coughs, migraine, insomnia, colic, hypertension
6. Lemongrass -Used for infections, cellulite, irritation
7. Neroli - Used for depression, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety
8. Sweet Orange - Used for cramping, digestive issues, constipation, diarrhea
9. Peppermint - Used for motion sickness, nausea, poor digestion, spastic colon, headaches, fever, colic, gas, impotence
10. Sage - Used for flu, fevers, hot flashes, poor digestion, cold sores, urinary tract infections, coughs

Could any of these natural remedies be used to help people battling fungal meningitis? As long as they didn't interact with any prescribed medicines, I don't see how they could hurt. Remember to do your own research when it comes to natural remedies. The information is out there - you just have to look. 

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