Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chick-fil-a Was Never a Christian Company

Here is a letter I wrote to a local radio host:

This morning you discussed the "change of heart" by the Cathy family regarding their stance on pro-marriage charities.

When Christians nationwide overwhelmingly supported Chick-fil-a by standing in line on August 1, I was struck by the sheer ridiculousness of Christians supporting a company that serves a very un-Christian menu.

Please let me explain:
We've been ignorant for over 20 years about the use of genetically modified foods along with antibiotic and growth hormone injected meat.

At best, the Cathy family has been willfully ignorant about the food that they are serving their customers.
The information is out there - and I'm sure the Cathy family have chosen their products based on profit alone.

For instance, did you know that cloning is a big part of genetic modification of plants and meat?
Chick-fil-a uses plenty of GMOs, like High Fructose Corn Syrup in their cooking oil - the same genetically modified corn base that gave those rats giant tumors in the most recent French study.
(And no, it is not the same thing as sugar.)

We are playing God with our food - and Chick-fil-a has no problem with that. 

The fact is that this genetically modified food is not anything that God would want. He's already provided food for us - but scientists and companies like Monsanto have adulterated our food supply so badly that this country is dealing with epidemics of diabetes, cancer, and a list of other un-natural diseases that have lifestyle and environmental causes. Where is Chick-fil-a on this issue? Deviously silent. 

It takes about 30 minutes to do the research online.
The evidence is out there - and it's easy to find.

Are you telling me that the Cathy family is serving the most healthful food to their customers? No. And they know that.

I think that knowingly serving food that eventually hurts people's health is a very Un-Christian thing to do.
Jesus served the people loaves and fishes - but those loaves weren't full of gluten and those fishes weren't full of GMO corn.

Unfortunately, Chick-fil-a is just another company using Christianity to profit. 

Can anyone argue that donating to "Christian" charities the money made by feeding people unhealthy foods is the "Christian" thing to do. Do the ends justify the means? I believe Paul would would argue no (Romans 3:8). So why does Dan Cathy think it's ok?

Those people who stood outside of Chick-fil-a to support "Christian" ideals were also supporting something else - an industrial food system that is evil to the core.  


Danan Whiddon


  1. A friend of mine turned me on to this blog post. I figured I'd add a comment of my own: you point out that Cathy likely serves GM food and that this is not the healthiest food out there. May I add to that that the "Do The Math" calorie counter boasting that their char-grilled chicken sandwich is lower calorie than other comparably-sized sandwiches from other fast food restaurants implies that their product IS in-and-of itself healthy? As we know, leaving out information that allows people to come to a more accurate conclusion is lying.

  2. Hi Anonymous.
    Thanks for your comment. Calorie counts and Genetically Modified Organisms are two totally different animals in this debate. I urge you to watch some documentaries (like Food, Inc., Fresh, Genetic Roulette, The World According to Monsanto, or Knives Over Forks to name a few). I think we've gotten caught up the calorie or fat content of food when we should have been asking what corporations have done to the food genetically first.

    1. Oops - that documentary is called Forks over Knives - I got it backwards. :)
