Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Why Cheerios is the Douchebag of Cereals

After an overwhelming show of outrage on its social media pages by its own customers, Cheerios remains very quiet regarding its use of Genetically Modified ingredients in its cereal as well as its parent company's giant contribution to keep such things secret by donating over 1 Million Dollars against Proposition 37. I have seen hundreds of daily posts by people letting Cheerios know that they will no longer be spending money on its product. It's pretty funny. Actually, it's hilarious. And it's just what Cheerios deserves.

You see, the days of corporate secrecy are over, and thanks to the Internet, transparency is alive and well with the people. We're the ones who have all the power anyway. It's our measly little dollars that they LIE so hard to get. And it looks like Cheerios is the first of these corporate creeps to get a real taste of our newly found power. 

Unfortunately for Cheerios (and fortunately for the rest of us) the company has angered its own base so much that people are going out of their way to spread the word about the GMOs inside. They are telling their friends and family, they are posting online, they are doing everything possible to get the information out in the open.

Now everyone knows that Cheerios is the new DOUCHEBAG of the cereal world!

You see, somewhere between asking people to tell them how cool it was, and then taking down all of those honest opinions.....Cheerios showed it's true face.....and we all got a little tired of its bullshit. 

Cheerios COULD decide to go organic....or at least come clean about its ingredients.

And I  guess Fred Durst could have a comeback soon..........but I honestly don't see that in the near future either. 

So it looks like sales are going down the toilet. But that's what you get for being so Douchy, Cheerios.

Till then, maybe you could sell your crap in China to make up for lagging US sales. Oh wait - you'd have to label your GMOs there. Looks like you're headed to the discount isle instead. 


  1. The worlds douchebaggery has run amuck...AMUCK, I say!!!

  2. I think this whole Cheerios flap, like you say, shows what people can do with social media. General Mills angered many of its customers by donating a fortune to prevent accurate food labeling, and now they're paying the price.
