Monday, December 26, 2011

Product Review - Arbonne Creme Concealer

My friend Natalie gave me the Arbonne Creme Concealer for Christmas! I had been using a drug store brand that I was not exactly happy with because I had been too busy to really check out brands that I would like. I used to be pretty loyal to Mary Kay (that was about 10 years ago), but since then I have not found one company that I really liked. AND then I heard about Arbonne. It's vegan certified and NOT tested on animals.

This concealer lasts so long that I will only have to buy one per year - which actually saves me money in the long run. Buying the cheap stuff a few times a year would actually cost me more. Here is my video review of the product.

1 comment:

  1. After a few months... Do you still like this product? I'm almost out of mine & thinking about trying this one. :)
