Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Feminist Call to Action

Feminist frameworks have been baseless because of the classification of a dichotomous sexual preference system. We must now move to a nullification of all feminist theory based on these systems.  They're the same as if we were using science based on the idea that the sun revolves around the earth. But now we must start over - only this time with the truth.

True feminism is honorable. The power of the feminine is not in the shadows or secret places - no, its true power is in the fearless examination of the real.

In the past, there was no such thing as heteronormity because there was no such thing as homosexuality. How convenient those labels became as people sought to control more and more of the population - and what better way than to judge and classify based on a false shame of what one does with one's genitals. (How very Victorian.)

It's because of this that the so-called Queer Theorists should have been initially regarded as conspiracy theorists - at least by those holding patriarchal power.

What was once called "Feminist Theory" disintigrates when held up to the light. Its ephemera is its very history - made of lies based on lies, based on lies.  We have to be transcendent and transversal to the old waves of feminism. We have to stop presupposing what a woman is or is not. The feminine is in everyone, everything. The feminine honors individuality; and it is in this that the feminine is the pathway to true power.

Now, living in the truth offers us great opportunities for transgression. When all rights become equal we can go back to being people who are judged on our character and not our holes.

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