Friday, August 10, 2012

Tour Medicine Box for Hank 3

Here is the latest first aid/medicine box for the Hank 3 West Coast 2012 tour that starts today.

Most of these items are oil blends or tinctures that I made myself. Some items were purchased from Whole Foods. Here is the list:

Activated Charcoal - For poison
Astragalus Pills - For immune support
Baking Soda - For indigestion
Cedarwood Oil -For breathing support, stress
Echinacea Tea - For cold and flu
Echinacea Tincture - For cold and flu
Elderberry Tea - For coughs, cold, and flu
EmergenC - For immune support
Ginger Root - Tummy aches, tooth infection
Happy Joy Juice  - For depression, insomnia
Lavender Oil - For burns, calming baths, breathing
Peppermint Tea - For breathing, indigestion
Pain Brain Oil Blend - for sore muscles and headache
Re-usable Tea bags - For loose teas
Thieves oil and Thieves oil spray -For plague, flu, and general nastiness
White Clay - For diarrhea and eliminating heavy metals
White Willow Bark Tincture - For pain
Yarrow - For bleeding

1 comment:

  1. Good list! I keep a lot of these on hand as well but I really like that you organized them into a medicine box. Brilliant! I'll have to work on the organization. Plus, I love that you added activated charcoal. I think it is one of those overlooked items.
