Sunday, August 26, 2012

HO'OPONOPONO - What is it?

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Ho'opnonpono is the Hawaiian practice of forgiveness. And it ain't easy. 

Since holding on to anger can make us sick, forgiveness is really something we do for ourselves - for our minds, our bodies, and our spirits. Ho'opnonpono is a meditation practice that takes a few minutes and really can help. But let me warn you - the first time I did it, I had no idea exactly what would be asked of me, and it felt wrong, very wrong - at least at first. Eventually I came to realize the good it was doing for me - but my first instinct was to fight it.

For instance, there is a point in the process in which you (yes you) will be saying you are sorry and you will be asking for forgiveness. This will feel WRONG! It should be the other guy apologizing - right? Ho'opnonpono requires you to ask yourself, "What is in me that is causing the event to take place, this person to act this way, this sickness to manifest?" And that is something that is very hard to think about.

You see, blaming others is a sure way to make the problem stay - or to keep coming back (in the form of other people in your life, or other diseases.) There's a letting go in this process that feels oh so foreign and yes, downright scary.

If you have wanted to forgive someone, but just nothing else has worked up to this point, try these videos. It takes a very strong person to forgive, but know that ultimately you are doing this for yourself.

Here is one that is more in-depth:

And another:

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