Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Can You Tell Me Why Freedom Is Bad?

I'm looking for someone - anyone - to tell me why my freedom should be taken away. And for those of you who say my freedom can hurt someone else, first need to think about that argument before coming to me with logical fallacies and faulty conclusions. (I could stab someone with a fork - does that mean we need to ban all forks?)

All of this fear of what people MIGHT do is an excellent way to keep people in the dark. If you're always afraid, you can be more easily manipulated to act in a certain way. It's so obvious. Isn't it? But living a life based in fear is not living a life at all. 

And for those of you who are still stuck in the fear-based lie that there are only Democrat or Republican ideas to choose from are being manipulated the most. Have you ever read Plato's Allegory of the Cave?

(The cave wall is cable news and the mainstream media. Stop watching it and look outside the damn cave.)

Now tell me why government is trying to keep you all in the cave and push others back in. Can anyone give me a good reason for this?

You're reading this on the Internet - but how long will that kind of freedom be allowed? Watch the great Wozniak explain the issues of our loss of Internet freedom. Can you give me a good reason that the Internet should no longer be free? Pay close attention to what was done to Kim Dot Com. Why are we not more outraged about this?

Why don't we have the freedom to know if our food is genetically modified? If we have the right to know how much damn salt is in something - don't we at least have the right to know if the DNA of that food has been altered? What do they want to hide? If it's so good for us, then why hide it - why not announce it on the front of the box? Don't you want to know what they're hiding?

There are many other people out there who are asking the same questions. Some are Ron Paul supporters (Watch the Video below). But they're not the only ones. People everywhere are asking the same questions I have asked here today. But the real question is: why aren't you?

And if you're waiting on a vote to decide who the president will be, (Romney or Obama) as if either one is some kind of savior who will take care of you, then you've already lost your freedom. Have fun in the cave.

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