Saturday, June 9, 2012

Zombie Joe's Bad Day - an Independent Film

I absolutely love that part of my time acting included a zombie movie! It also happened to be the way I met two very amazing people - Lu and Jeff Hug.

The movie is called Zombie Joe's Bad Day and it is available below. It was filmed in Omaha, Nebraska. The director, Jeff Hug and his wife, Lu were my hosts for the couple of days I was there filming. I had such a great time with them - and we still talk. I have never really had an instant bond with people like I have those two - which is just a testament to how cool they are.

In Zombie Joe's Bad Day, a guy (Joe) is given a drink that contains Zombie powder. He and his girl die in  a car crash, but Joe is still alive - as a Zombie. Things just go downhill from there. One of my favorite scenes is where Lu actually hits Zombie Joe with her car.

I don't show up until the end. (I'm the bartender with black hair.)

I hope you enjoy this movie - it was truly an honor to be able to help the people involved with their dream of making a Zombie movie!

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