(An example of the fine organic food I've bought in the past.)
These days, one of the most important things to be thankful
for is access to healthy food. We seldom think of the work that goes into
making food – especially when that work is done with little fanfare or support.
If you are one of the people doing that work, this letter is for you.
Whether you are a famous farmer like Joel Salatin of
Virginia or The Barefoot Farmer of Tennessee, or you’re just trying to feed
your family and a few friends with real food, you are healing the world! And
your hard work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.
What would we do without your organic veggies and fruit,
without your grass fed beef and free-range chickens? We are so blessed to have
access to your food - whether it is through a CSA, the local farmer’s market,
or even the side of the road.
Thank you for planting heirloom seeds. Thank you for
honoring the animals that you raise for eggs, milk, and meat. Thank you for
doing your work honestly. And thank you for sharing your food.
Thank you for giving us options so that we don’t have to
rely on (or give our money to) giant corporations selling industrial raised,
diseased cows, pigs, chickens, or GMO veggies and fruit, sprayed with
pesticides, and herbicides.
Thank you for being a steward of the land and its people.
Thank you for sticking to your principles – for doing things the right way –
even when that means that you are doing things the “hard” way.
Thank you for restoring the land. Thank you for providing
food that heals. Thank you for working tirelessly to do the right thing.
May 2013 be your best year yet. May you lead the revolution back to the “old
ways” – so that even more people can eat (and afford) healthy food again!
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
Danan Whiddon